We live in a world of great pain and heartache that often leaves us bewildered, confused, and angry. Seeing this broken world, we wonder what God is doing to meet people in their brokenness. We forget to consider that God might want to use us to do something that would make a difference. Sometimes a song can be the catalyst in moving from inaction to action, to being a tangible example of the hands and feet of Jesus. “Do Something” by Matthew West was the song that was the catalyst for my friend Matt.
Matt had just finished a 3 ½ year journey in adopting two children from Liberia when God opened up his eyes to the needs of the children remaining in the orphanage. The more people he told about the needs, the more he was asked, “So when are YOU going?” He was frustrated with God, and he wrote God a to- do list, telling Him about the need for someone to go to Liberia and remodel the orphanage. Matt thought he had already done what God had called him to do in adopting, but he was now in the process of discovering that often the "something" God calls us to do is simply part of the greater "something" . His heart was transformed in such a way for the children of Liberia that his only response was to respond to the greater work God was doing in his heart.
So Matt led a team of people from all walks of life to remodel the orphanage. Later a 501c3 was developed and God provided for that orphanage to the point that it no longer needed the organization's funding. God was not finished using Matt for his glory in Liberia, as God opened the doors to build a safe children's village and a self-sustainable community center. Today, Matt is the executive director of Psalm 82:3 Mission, focusing on equipping the saints in Liberia, while at the same time raising the support needed to fund the ministry. This all happened because he had to do the "something" God had placed on his heart..
Matt’s story is reminiscent of the apostle Peter. In Acts 10, God came to him in a vision while he was visiting a friend. God brought before him various types of animals three times and gave Peter permission to kill and eat them. Peter’s response was that he would not eat anything impure and unclean. God said to him, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” (Acts 10:15) NIV).
Through a series of events, God called a centurion named Cornelius to send for Peter at the same time Peter was having his vision. Upon his arrival at Cornelius’ house, Peter was able to “connect the dots” and see that God was calling him to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles. Peter said to Cornelius and his household, “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.” (Acts 10:34-35 NIV).
As Peter continued preaching, God used him to be his vessel in sharing the gospel to the Gentiles. The Holy Spirit came down on all who heard the message, and many were baptized (Acts 10:44 NIV). Peter listened to the “something” God was laying on his heart, even though he was reluctant to do so at first. Peter’s obedience led to the spread of the Gospel among the Gentiles, and the gospel has continued to spread to this very day.
Today, friends, I urge you to listen intently to the voice of your Savior, "The world is longing for you to use your gifts and abilities to bring people to me even if they don't know it. So do the ‘somethings’ I have placed on your heart."
The “somethings” don't have to be big items: It can be caring for your kids after your spouse has cared for them all day. It can be cooking a meal for the elderly couple across the street who are longing for people to tell them that they matter. It could be babysitting your neighbor's kids for a day, so that she and her husband can go on a date and reconnect.
The opportunities are endless; we just need to be open to respond to the “somethings” God is putting on our hearts.
Prayer: “God, help us to know that even in our weaknesses, our incapabilities, our failures, you have plans for us beyond our imaginations. May we listen to Your still small voice and listen to the somethings You are putting on our hearts. If we make a difference in one heart, we can change the world with Your mighty power living in us. So, with Your power living in us, the same power that raised Christ from the dead, may we do something today. In Your beautiful name we pray, Amen”