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Writer's pictureMichael Moore

No Longer Slaves- Bethel Music

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

Fear can be a powerful force in crippling us from becoming the child that God is calling us to be. This can be a fear relating to circumstances in our lives or even struggles we are facing. The choice is this: “Are we going to live as a slave to it or step into our identity as a child of God?”

This is why a song like “No Longer Slaves” is powerful. It has helped me to see that there is always a choice to live: in fear or in fearlessness as a child of God. When I was in college, I began dealing with unwanted sexual thoughts that were plaguing my mind. I went to a counseling center where I also received help for suicidal thoughts. I thought they could help me see the answers to my struggles in my thought life. However, with their probing of me and my thoughts, they took me to places I didn’t want my mind to go.

It often takes situations like this--people coming into our lives--to remind ourselves of the power we have to say “No” to fear. I am forever grateful for these people, as I have struggled off and on with the fear that I would act on my thoughts. These people have been the hands and feet of Jesus to me, ministering to me and my heart in my brokenness.

Moses was this person to the people of Israel in the desert as the Egyptians were marching after them. The Israelites were full of fear and wanted to return to Egypt. Moses said to them: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:13-14)

The only reason Moses was able to speak to their fear was that he himself knew what it meant to walk in fear. God came to Moses in a burning bush and called him to go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses was full of fear and didn’t believe that the God who called him could use him. He saw himself, with his shyness, as a barrier to God's plans being accomplished. God eventually used Aaron to be his mouthpiece to speak to Pharaoh, but Moses still decided to go as God's vessel. So Moses knew what it meant to walk in fear, and he didn't want his people to walk in fear either.

God is calling to you and to me: “Do not fear, my child. I am with you and for you. As you rest in My love for you, see that I love you, even with your fears. I will complete the good work I started in you. I only ask you to trust in Me, and replace the lies of fear the enemy has given you with the truth in My eternal word. Learn and see that your true identity is not in being a slave to fear, but in being a beloved child of Mine.”

Prayer: God, we can be comfortable living as a slave to fear. It is easy being a victim instead of a conqueror. We choose to claim our inheritance as Your children, and choose to be conquerors. When we leave behind our identity as victims, we discover the life You have for us all along. It may be one step back, one step forward, but we choose obedience in the right direction. So now we see obedience is living forward in faith and in confidence that You are for and with us. We are no longer slaves to fear, we are Your children. In Your name, we pray, Amen.

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