"It's a slow fade when you give yourself away It's a slow fade when black and white are turned to gray And thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid When you give yourself away People never crumble in a day It's a slow fade, it's a slow fade"
When I was a teenager, I heard a story from Dave (mentioned in Signs of Life) in a sermon. He told of a story that has stuck with me throughout my life. Dave was in a car with a friend and as they drove by houses, she pointed to houses in which she gave herself away to men. She said, " I don't know if I have anything left to give anyway else. "
That story stuck with me because it served as a warning for me against giving into sexual temptation. I wanted to give myself fully to my future spouse and not have nothing to give them. I knew that one wrong choice could lead to choices I would regret for the rest of my life. All it would take would be a slow fade into giving into temptation. It was a struggle as I wanted, so much to have the thing this world craves. I had sexual thoughts that I was ashamed of, but it is only because of God's grace, I didn't give it to them.
I do not say this to applaud myself or pat my self on the back. I know of people in my life who had sex outside of marriage and regretted it fully. I only say this because all sin, sexual, or any form of it, can lead to consequences we will later regret. It takes a firm commitment with your mind, eyes, and heart, to keep the direction of our lives focused on Jesus and living for him.
This song was inspired by Psalm 1. Psalm 1 says the righteous man does not walk in the steps of the wicked, stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the company of mockers. From walking, standing, to sitting, it indicates a downward trajectory. A man who is in prison for a crime, didn't start out saying on career day, " I want to be a criminal". It began with glances, choices, and flattering, that ended up with them being labeled a criminal. So it is with sins that we struggle with daily. We must make choices every day to steady ourselves on Jesus and his love for us.
Is your life headed on a downward trajectory? If so, you still have the opportunity to take things around. You can turn back to Jesus with your full heart, turning the direction of your life back to him. Find a local church and support group that can hold you accountable and help you as you navigate life's windy road.
If you see people in your life headed on a downward trajectory, step in and help them. Show them Jesus so that they may find life in Jesus's name. It doing so, you will save them from a life filled with regret and compromise. You can help them, so they can help others just as you did for him.